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WhatsApp Message
Gin Lin avatar
Written by Gin Lin
Updated over a week ago

This is the detailed specs of the WhatsApp Activity that Cooby logs into Salesforce.

WhatsApp Activity

  • Chat name:

    • 1:1 chat will display as Salesforce contact <> Salesforce user

    • Group chat will display as WhatsApp group chat name

  • Chat type

    • 1:1 chat

    • Group chat

  • Sync type

  • Synced by

    • 1:1 chat: Salesforce user

    • Group chat

      • Auto-synced without the syncer

      • Manual-sync: Salesforce user

Expand the Activity

  • Message type

    • Supported: chat | image | video | ppt (push to talk) | document

    • Others: call_log | location | payment | vcard | ciphertext | multi_vcard | revoked | oversized | groups_v4_invite | template_button_reply | debug | audio | sticker | status_v3 | product | order | list | interactive | interactive_response | list_response | buttons_response | reaction | reaction_enc | poll_creation | request_phone_number | poll_update | native_flow | biz-cover-photo | keep_in_chat | pin_message | unknown

  • Message text

    • For Message type = chat (This will be the text string)

    • For Message type = image, video, ptt, document.

    • For other Message types = [Message type]

  • Attachment

    • Images will be displayed as an attachment card component, with a small image preview in the message body.

    • You can preview the file formats:

      • Images

      • PDFs

      • Videos (.mp4, .webm, .ogg)

We support multimedia files up to 15 MB.

Contact Profile

  • When you hover over the chat participant’s profile image or name, you can be able to view their WhatsApp name and Phone number in the tooltip.

  • If the participant is linked to a Salesforce lead, contact, or user, you can click the link in the tooltip to open the Salesforce profile.

Filters and Sorting

Filter options

  1. Date range

    1. All time (Default)

    2. Today

    3. Yesterday

    4. Last 7 days

    5. Last 30 days

    6. Last 3 months

    7. Last 12 months

  2. Chat type

    1. All chats

    2. 1:1 chats

    3. Group chats

  3. Synced by

    1. Filter options include all members in Salesforce

      1. Synced by all (Default)

      2. Member A

      3. Member B

      4. Member C

    2. A multiple-value filter to filter chats by syncers.

    3. Auto-synced group chats will be excluded from any synced by filter results.

    4. Display Synced by Salesforce user when only 1 filter is applied

    5. Display Synced by {{number}} members when multiple filters are applied

Sort options

  1. Oldest date first

  2. Newest dates first (Default)

  • You can sort the first and second accordions by dates.

  • Message content will always be displayed in chronological order and won’t be reversed by sorting.


The search result will depend on the filter you applied. If the filter is default, the search result will be based on All Data.

Search options:

  • 1:1 chat names

  • Group chat names

  • Chat participant Salesforce names

  • Chat participant WhatsApp names

  • Chat participant WhatsApp numbers

  • Messages

  • Synced by

  • File names

  • File formats

We hope this document helps you better understand how Cooby works. For any concerns or questions regarding your Salesforce integration, kindly email us at [email protected] 💜

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