Payment methods
Gin Lin avatar
Written by Gin Lin
Updated over a week ago

The fastest way to pay for Cooby's Starter or Growth plan is with a credit card or any quick payment method with just one click. If you are a Cooby Custom plan user, you may be eligible to pay by invoice. Read on for more details, and feel free to contact Cooby Support if you have any additional questions.

For monthly or annual billing, you can use a credit card to pay for Cooby via Stripe. Credit card details can be managed from the manage subscription by the workspace admin.

Pay by credit cards

Stripe accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB and China UnionPay payments from customers worldwide.

Pay by wallets

Alipay, Google Pay, Apple Pay, or Cash App Pay enables frictionless card payments and eliminates the need to manually type card or shipping details.

Pay by Link

"Link" is an accelerated checkout experience powered by Stripe, and it boasts tens of millions of customers within its network. If you have previously logged in using Link, it will automatically fill in the necessary information, even if you initially saved it on the checkout page of a different business.

We hope this document helps you better understand how Cooby works. For any concerns or questions regarding your billings and payment, kindly email us at [email protected] 💜

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