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Linked Contacts
Gin Lin avatar
Written by Gin Lin
Updated over a week ago

What is a Linked Contact?

A Linked Contact is an established connection between your WhatsApp contact and the corresponding contact in HubSpot.

Cooby does this by “linking” WhatsApp contacts and HubSpot contacts via phone number. When contact is linked, you will be able to see their HubSpot contact card on your WhatsApp. You will be able to edit the contact’s properties like name, company, and title and create tickets, and deals associated with this contact. Any 1-1 or group chats that this contact is a part of will be eligible to be synced to HubSpot.

How to Link Contact

Open your Hubspot Sidebar and open a WhatsApp contact that isn't linked with a HubSpot contact.

Click Link and search for the name, email, or phone number of the HubSpot contact.

Choose the HubSpot contact that you want to link with, and click Link.

When you link a contact, the contact's phone number on HubSpot will be replaced by the phone number on WhatsApp. This is a necessity because there can only be 1 phone number that establishes the linkage.

How to Unlink Contact

To unlink a contact, simply click on the not the right contact > Confirm by clicking on the unlink.

Cooby will remember that you unlinked this contact and will not perform Auto-link on it in the future.

Auto-link Contacts

Cooby makes linking contacts super easy by automating the process. Cooby will attempt to automatically link any WhatsApp contacts that have the same phone number as a HubSpot contact.

There are 2 methods of Auto-linking:

Auto-link (Exact match)

This method will only link a contact when the phone numbers are exact matches, including the country code.

This type of Auto-link occurs in 3 instances:

  • When you first connect to HubSpot, Cooby will perform Auto-link (Exact match) to link all of your WhatsApp contacts to your HubSpot contacts.

  • Every day (UTC 01:00 am) Cooby will also perform Auto-link (Exact match) to ensure that any new WhatsApp contacts or any new HubSpot contacts are detected and linked.

Search-link (Fuzzy match)

This method will link a contact when the phone numbers are matched irrespective of the country code

This type of Auto-link occurs only in 1 instance:

  • When you click a chat on WhatsApp, Cooby will perform Search-link (Fuzzy match) on all of the WhatsApp numbers in the opened chat.

We hope this document helps you better understand how Cooby works. For any concerns or questions regarding your HubSpot integration, kindly email us at [email protected] 💜

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