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Chat with non-contact
Gin Lin avatar
Written by Gin Lin
Updated over a week ago

Discover the simple steps to initiate a chat with unsaved contacts effortlessly. Learn how to effectively engage with individuals who are not yet added to your contact list, expanding your communication possibilities.

  1. Click on Chat with a non-contact or use the shortcut ⌘+Ctrl+U.

  2. Select the country code and enter the phone number.

  3. [Optional] Select the tab you created to organize the chat.

  4. [Optional] Select the template message you created when adding this contact.

  5. Click the Chat now.

  6. You have successfully initiated a chat with your unsaved contact!

Do you have a large number of contacts to import into WhatsApp?

We hope this document helps you better understand how Cooby works. For any concerns or questions regarding communicating at scale, kindly email us at [email protected] 💜

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